Common Q&A

Optometrist Zhang Jiajin gives you professional advice

Zhang Jiajin is a qualified optometrist in the national examination. He graduated from the Department of Optometry and Optometry Research Institute of China University of Medical Science and Technology. Its specialty is binocular vision examination and other glasses and contact lens fittings. It inherits the principle of "focusing on vision" insisted by the founder Huang Qunchen optometrist. Through detailed consultation, the public can understand their own eye conditions, improve their knowledge of vision care, and fulfill Optometrists are responsible for protecting the visual health of the public.

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Glasses Q&A

My eyes are so sore with new glasses, how can I improve it?

There may be several reasons for this situation:

1. There is a big difference between the new degree and the old degree
2. The frame shape of the new glasses is not the same as that of the old glasses
3. Reflection of the lens coating and polishing of the edge of the lens

When you get new glasses, try not to wear them in rotation with your old ones. If you have the above situation and it does not improve for a week, you can call the optometrist or bring new and old glasses to the store, and we will help you make subsequent adjustments.

Click me for the full text: /blogs/glasses/new-eyeglasses-uncomfortable

What are anti-stress lenses and anti-fatigue lenses? really useful?

When the human eye sees far and near, it uses the ciliary muscle and the lens to regulate each other. The ciliary muscles are tense when looking close up and relaxed when looking far away. Working at close range for a long time can easily lead to eye fatigue. Possible symptoms include frequent blinking, burning eyes, tearing, headaches, and inability to concentrate. .

On the other hand, the pressure-relieving lenses are designed with the upper half of the lens suitable for distance viewing and the lower half of the lens for near viewing. Combining the two different prescriptions into one lens allows you to see far away clearly, near comfortably, and your eyes are less uncomfortable. Eye fatigue, and anti-stress lenses are suitable for all age groups such as students, office workers, etc., because eye fatigue is regardless of age.

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How to choose children's glasses? Glasses should pay attention to?

The selection of frames and lenses for children's glasses is as follows.

1. Frame:
Frame material: choose a plastic frame with light weight and good elasticity (Ultem or TR-90, etc.).

Frame size: Choose a suitable frame according to the size of the child's head.

Frame design: The nose pad design should be adjustable and have anti-slip function nose pads.

2. Lenses:
It is better to choose resin safety lenses than glass lenses, and you can also choose photochromic lenses and children's control lenses for children's conditions. For more detailed information, you can go to the store and ask an optometrist.


What should be paid attention to after children's glasses are finished?
1. Use glasses correctly: When a child wears glasses, parents can sometimes observe whether the child's glasses are worn correctly. Too high or too low, too close to the eyes (eyelashes brush to glasses), glasses skewed (left and right height).

2. Proper rest: take a rest of at least 10 minutes every hour when using the eyes at close range.

3. Cleaning and maintenance: Clean the glasses with cold water and neutral detergent every day, put on and take off the glasses with both hands, and do not place the lenses directly on the table (mirror side up)

4. 3-6 months to the store for frame maintenance and adjustment.

Click me for the full text: /blogs/glasses/how-to-choose-kid-eyeglasses

Contact lens Q&A

How to choose hard contact lenses?

To put it simply, we can start with the oxygen permeability of hard contact lenses. Generally, materials with a DK value greater than 90 are called high oxygen permeability materials:

1. High DK:

Advantages: More breathable and comfortable Disadvantages: Easy to accumulate sediment, the material is soft, so the scrub force should not be too strong

2. Low DK:

Advantages: More durable, not easy to deform Disadvantages: The lens is harder

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Does the contact lens disappear behind the eyeball? Suddenly can't find what to do?

Basically this doesn't happen. The conjunctiva lining the inner surface of the eyelid is called the bulbar conjunctiva, and the junction between the bulbar conjunctiva and the palpebral conjunctiva is called the fornix conjunctiva. Contact lenses are blocked by the conjunctiva and remain in front of the eye.

When you suddenly cannot find the contact lens, you can first turn your eyes to feel if there is a place where you feel a heavy foreign body sensation, usually the contact lens is there; Rinse the eyes with a large amount of saline. When the symptoms cannot be relieved, go to the nearby hospital or ophthalmology clinic for examination immediately.

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How to choose daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual?

As the name suggests, daily disposables can only be used for 1 day; monthly disposables can be worn for 30 days after unpacking; quarterly disposables can be worn for 3 months after unpacking; annual disposables can be worn for 1 year after unpacking. Users who pursue convenience can use daily disposables; users with high astigmatism or presbyopia needs can choose quarterly or annual disposables.

Advantages of daily throw:

1. It is more convenient and does not need to be cleaned

2. Reduces the risk of dry eye syndrome

Disadvantages of daily throw:

1. More expensive

2. Patients with astigmatism are less selective than those requiring multifocal contact lenses


Advantages of monthly throw:

1. Multiple material options

2. Cheaper

Disadvantages of monthly throwing:

1. Daily cleaning is required

2. If not cleaned properly, the eyes are more likely to be infected than daily disposables


Advantages of season throwing:

1. Multiple material options

2. Cheaper

3. Can be customized according to personal eyeball data, in line with your corneal radian and degree

Quarter Disadvantages:

1. Daily cleaning is required

2. If not cleaned properly, the eyes are more likely to be infected than daily disposables


Advantages of annual throwing:

1. Multiple material options

2. Cheaper

3. Can be customized according to personal eyeball data, in line with your corneal radian and degree

Disadvantages of annual throwing:

1. Daily cleaning is required

2. If not cleaned properly, the eyes are more likely to be infected than daily disposables

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Vision-related Q&A

How often should vision exams be performed (by age)?

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Different ages are suitable for different vision inspection time and planning. The following is compiled by cutting-edge optometrists for reference:


6 months to 1 year old


1-2 years old


12-24 years old


the elderly

high myopia


six months old

six months

six months to one year

What does exotropia and exotropia mean? What should be paid attention to when dispensing glasses?

We can start from the position of the eyes. When the line of sight of the eyes deviates, it can be simply distinguished as:

1. Implicit offset is also known as oblique
2. Dominant deviation also known as strabismus

We can use 稜鏡 lenses as a tool for correction, relief and training when measuring. When the above two conditions occur, it may lead to frequent blinking, eye burning, tearing, headache, double vision, inability to last close reading and inattention, etc.

Before getting glasses or contact lenses, be sure to consult an optometrist (student) or an ophthalmologist, and go through a detailed optometry check to ensure your own visual quality.

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